Upcoming events.

Breathwork and Meditation Classes with Katie Hoover
Explore the Basics of Breathwork and Meditation
Sign up for classes here: Eventbrite
In this class, we will come to meet ourselves where we are in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere.
Practitioners will have the opportunity to try different meditation styles and basic breathing techniques. Some meditations will be guided, and some will be silent within yourself. We will try conscious breathing, breath awareness, body scanning, guided meditation, energy awareness & energy movement, as well as some mindfulness meditation. There will be opportunities to try different types of supports such as cushions, blankets, chairs, blocks and even the wall with feedback and support from the teacher.
Basic structure of the class is as follows
-Check in with sitting posture, feedback and adjustments
-Grounding, intention, and basic breath work
-Daily Teaching
-Daily Practice
-Group check in and feedback
This class will run for six weeks before assessing how to adjust the class structure for the future. You are invited to attend all classes or a few or just one. It is likely that in the Spring we will add a second class during the week, which will be less about instruction and more about holding space for silent practice.

Breathwork and Meditation Classes with Katie Hoover
Explore the Basics of Breathwork and Meditation
Sign up for classes here: Eventbrite
In this class, we will come to meet ourselves where we are in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere.
Practitioners will have the opportunity to try different meditation styles and basic breathing techniques. Some meditations will be guided, and some will be silent within yourself. We will try conscious breathing, breath awareness, body scanning, guided meditation, energy awareness & energy movement, as well as some mindfulness meditation. There will be opportunities to try different types of supports such as cushions, blankets, chairs, blocks and even the wall with feedback and support from the teacher.
Basic structure of the class is as follows
-Check in with sitting posture, feedback and adjustments
-Grounding, intention, and basic breath work
-Daily Teaching
-Daily Practice
-Group check in and feedback
This class will run weekly on Sundays at 3:30pm for six weeks before assessing how to adjust the class structure for the future. You are invited to attend all classes or a few or just one. It is likely that in the Spring we will add a second class during the week, which will be less about instruction and more about holding space for silent practice.