What to Expect at a Massage Session With a Licensed Massage Therapist
Have you just booked your first massage and are feeling anxious because you don’t know exactly what it will entail? Or perhaps you’re going to a new place and aren’t sure if it will be the same as what you’ve experienced in the past.
This is a pretty common feeling. Going into a room with a stranger, getting undressed, and having them touch you would make most people somewhat apprehensive at best.
We are here to put your mind at ease and lay out exactly what to expect when going for a massage.
Keep reading to find out what will happen before, during, and after your massage session.
Table of Contents
Knowing What to Expect During a Massage Is Key for Relaxation and Successful Treatment
We’re Excited to Welcome You to Your Massage With Sevati Holistic Health and Wellness

Knowing What to Expect During a Massage Is Key for Relaxation and Successful Treatment
If you’ve never had a massage before — or you’re going to a new practice for the first time — you may not know what to expect. This can make some people a little nervous.
But massages should be all about destressing.
No matter how often you get massages, you should be fully prepared for your visit and know what to expect. This will make it easier for you to relax and let the massage therapist help with whatever issue you bring to the (literal) table.
What Should I Expect for My First Massage?
The primary focus of massage therapy is health and well-being in a safe environment. A reputable massage therapy practice like Sevati Holistic Health and Wellness will prep you beforehand and let you know what to expect every step of the way.
Massage therapy isn’t one-size-fits-all. Your licensed massage therapist will work with you to customize and personalize your experience based on your needs. So don’t be nervous — it’s all about you.
Start-to-Finish Massage Expectations
So there won’t be any surprises, let’s explore each step of your massage process with Savati Holistic Health and Wellness. Your only focus during this process should be relaxing and healing.
When Booking an Appointment (Or Shortly After)
Most people book their appointments online, while some choose to do it over the phone. Regardless of which method you choose, you’ll then receive a confirmation email and a request to fill out an intake form.
This form will cover the personal information we need to plan your massage appointment, including:
Your general health
Any injuries you currently have
What you’d like to focus on during your massage therapy session
Any areas you’d like to avoid; and
If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant
It’s important that you share this information with us so we can customize the massage to your needs. If you aren’t able to fill out the form before your appointment, we’ll give you time to do it when you arrive.
Upon Arrival
Stressing out over whether you’ll be late won’t help your goal of total relaxation. Try to arrive a little before your appointment and avoid rushing around.
This gives you time to:
Check in at reception
Get some tea or water
Fill out the intake form if you haven’t already; and
Use the restroom — trust us on this one, go even if you don’t feel like you have to. Having a full bladder while you get a massage can make it hard to unwind.
Then you’ll wait for your massage therapist to take you back to your treatment room.
Before Your Massage Begins
The first thing your massage therapist will do after leading you to your treatment room is discuss relevant information from your intake form. They want to make sure your needs are still the same and that they know what to focus on or stay away from that day.
This part of your appointment is usually just a few minutes, although it may take longer if you are a new client or have any complex concerns.
Then your massage therapist will recap and give you an idea of how the session will progress. They will provide you with clear instructions about getting undressed to your comfort level (that can mean fully undressed for some, or down to underwear for others) and getting on the table under the covers.
If you’re new to massage and feel unsure about anything during this process, just ask! Remember, we are here to serve and help you.

During Your Massage
After giving you ample time to undress and get comfortable on the table, your massage therapist will give a little knock to make sure it’s okay to come back in.
Now we’re getting to the good part!
When we opened Sevati Holistic Health and Wellness, we poured our heart and creativity into it and strove to design a space that would be calm, healing, and welcoming. To create the ultimate blissful experience, we generally utilize low lighting and play soft, relaxing music during your massage.
We make the bed as comfortable as possible with heat, a face cradle, and cushions that go under your legs in different positions depending on if you’re face-up or face-down. And if you’re expecting, we have special pregnancy pillows and massage techniques to make you as comfy as possible.
We may use various oils, lotions, and aromatherapy during your session. We are passionate about using all-natural and ethically-sourced products, and we even make our own massage salve in-house.
The most important thing to keep in mind when wondering what to expect during a massage is that these elements can all be adjusted or avoided based on your preferences — all you need to do is ask.
During your massage, the therapist will check in to ask if the pressure is okay or if you’d like more or less. Please answer honestly — they want you to be as comfortable as possible.
If you …
Aren’t enjoying any part of the massage
Want alterations in pressure
Want more work on a certain part of your body; or
Suddenly realize you want any area left alone
… just speak up and we will change what we’re doing. Your therapists are experts in massage, but you are the expert on your body.
No conversation is required during your massage — most clients prefer to zone out and stay quiet. So there’s generally no talking except for directions from the massage therapist for changing position (it’s customary to turn over about halfway through the massage) or questions about pressure.
However, if you like to talk during your session, feel free!
Your therapist will let you be the guide. They will generally keep their answers short and let you initiate conversation as you see fit.
Things to Remember
There are a few things you can do during your massage to maximize its efficacy:
Stay relaxed — This refers to both your body and your brain. Let your therapist work the tension out of your muscles as your mind drifts. This is not the time to be thinking about bills or work projects!
Breathe normally — This part shouldn’t be hard, as you’ll become so relaxed that your breathing should be deep and steady.
Try not to tighten or contract your muscles — You may feel like tensing up when your therapist touches a problem area. Just hang loose and let them work their magic.
And we’ve mentioned this before, but it bears repeating: give your massage therapist feedback as needed throughout the process. We are highly trained to recognize problem areas and can guess what you might need, but we won’t know for sure unless you say something.
Wrapping Up Your Massage
At the end of the massage, your massage therapist will leave the room to give you privacy to dress. We always want you to take your time during this process, as you may be a little woozy from your deep level of relaxation.
Then you’ll meet back in the waiting room, where more tea and water are available.
Your massage therapist will provide feedback on the session, including:
Areas that may be sore or need more work after your session
Areas that seemed to really loosen up during the massage; and
Recommendations for any stretching/exercises that could help with your issue
Then you can check out and we’ll give you an opportunity to book your next session.

What to Expect After Your Massage
Everyone reacts differently to their massage sessions. Afterward, you may find yourself feeling light-headed, a little sore, or just plain energized.
The most important thing you can do after a massage is to stay hydrated. This can help flush toxins from your body and possibly prevent next-day soreness.
If you didn’t come into your appointment wearing comfy clothes, you may want to consider bringing some to change into afterward to keep the relaxation going. Many people choose outfits to wear to their appointments that will maximize both ease of undressing/dressing and comfort.
If possible, plan your massage when you can have some downtime after to maximize its benefits. Keep your environment quiet and try to avoid strenuous activities.
For best results, make time for regular massage appointments to keep up with your self-care, health, and wellness.
We’re Excited to Welcome You to Your Massage With Sevati Holistic Health and Wellness
Sevati Holistic Health and Wellness has licensed therapists with years of experience in all types of massage. We believe in the body’s innate ability to heal and our goal is to help facilitate that process.
Whether you’re looking for a massage to help with …
Total relaxation
Chronic Pain
Injury; or
Pregnancy aches and pains
… we will personalize your experience and make it all about you.
We offer sessions ranging from 30 to 90 minutes that incorporate a variety of techniques based on your needs. We can’t wait to help you take charge of your health and wellness.